National Counselor Examination Workshops
Calling all counselors! Are you struggling to slay the beast we all know as the NCE? Sign up now for my 6 or 8 week NCE workshop where we tackle the material that seems impossible to understand. Get in on studying tips and tricks that you won't find anywhere else.

Study Group Packages
Study Course
NCE Intensive
Get in on my NCE Workshops today! With an extremely structured and rigorous study system, you can be assured that you are in the right hands. Ashley over the course of 6,8, or 10 weeks will help you prepare yourself for the next level in your professional career and install the confidence needed to pass the National Counselor Exam.
Why study on your own and experience the stress that comes with mastering material without guidance? Ashley is a true professional and has past students with stellar results to prove it. Becoming a part of a group that shares the same goals as you can help ease the stress that comes with passing exams.